With the recent recall in pet food, most dog owners are doing just that – making dog food on their own! Though most experts will argue that there is nothing better than a homemade diet for your pet dog, it is best you do this temporarily until and unless you consult with you local vet, as most dogs have certain nutritional requirements. If there are going to be any dietary changes, then it should be done very slowly so as to avoid digestive upsets. Ingredients and recipes should be rotated to make sure there is nutritional variety in your pups diet.

Never feed your pet dog bones, especially if the bones are cooked. Fragments of the bone can break loose and get lodged in the dog’s digestive tract. Wild dogs and stray dogs who eat bones can do so because they also tend to consume a lot of hide and hair, which act as a ‘padding’ for the bone fragments and help them pass through without getting lodged anywhere. Other dangerous foods to avoid are avocados, macadamia nuts, raisins, garlic, chocolate, mushrooms, grapes and onions.

Dog Food Recipes: Doggy Hamburgers


  • 1 cup of hamburger meat (stir fried in a tablespoon of canola oil).
  • 1 boiled and chopped eggs.
  • ½ a cup of cooked oatmeal.
  • 1 jar of baby food green beans.
  • 1 jar of baby food carrots.
  • 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese.
Mix all these ingredients well and serve at room temperature. You could also add a good puppy mineral/multivitamin supplement for good measure. Make sure you store the unused portions in an airtight container in the fridge and throw away any remains after three days.

Doggy Casserole

  • 1 cup of boiled and chopped chicken.
  • ½ a cup of brown rice, cooked.
  • ½ a cup of mixed vegetables, boiled.
  • Three to four tablespoons of chicken broth, unsalted
(Point to be noted: Salmon can be substituted occasionally for broiled poultry, but chicken broth has to be omitted.)

Stir the contents together and serve the mixture at room temperature.

Basic Dog Food Recipe
This recipe combines rice with meat and veggies for a well-balanced dog food.

  • 1 ounce of ground beef, preferably hormone and antibiotic free.
  • 2 cups of brown rice, cooked.
  • 1 ounce of mixed vegetables.
  • 1 or 2 ounces of plain yogurt.
Fry the ground beef in a frying pan till it turns brown and then set the dish aside. Steam the vegetables until they are soft and tender. Remove the veggies from the steamer and allow it to cool slightly. Add the veggies to the beaker of a food processor and pulse them till they are chopped coarsely. Mix these chopped vegetables with the ground beef and rice.

Multi-Grain Kibble

  • 2 cups of whole-wheat flour.
  • One and a half cups of unbleached, all-purpose flour.
  • ½ a cup of soy flour.
  • 1 cup of corn meal.
  • 1 cup of dry powdered, non-fat milk.
  • 1 cup of rolled oats.
  • ½ a cup of wheat germ.
  • 1 tablespoon of salt.
  • ½ a cup of brewers yeast.
  • 1 egg.
  • 3 cups of water.
  • 5 tablespoons of corn oil.
Heat the oven to about 350 degrees. Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl. In a smaller bowl, mix the corn oil and egg. Stir water into all the dry ingredients and add the egg mixture and mix all the contents well. The batter should be thin. Pour the batter on baking sheets and spread it evenly like you would for a pizza base. Bake the sheets for about 45 minutes.

Cool this kibble and then break it into smaller pieces. Store the pieces in an airtight container and refrigerate.

Grooming For Your Dog

by alex | 8:12 PM in | comments (0)

Scratching, licking and shaking are some of the ways dogs keep their coats clean and somewhat free of debris. Dogs take care of some of their grooming needs on their own, but still need a helping hand from their owners. A good brushing performed by you will keep her fur clean and free from painfully matted hair. Taking the time to groom your dog on a regular basis has its own rewards; it strengthens your bond with your dog and allows you to notice health problems before they become serious. Look carefully for signs of skin irritations, lumps, painful spots or signs of fleas.

If you find your dog won't sit still for an ear-to-tail going over, do one task each day until he is used to it, give him a treat at the end of the session. Each time you work with him, increase the length of time you brush him.

Hair - Regular brushing and grooming will remove loose and matted hair to help keep your dog's skin free of disease and parasite. Long-haired dogs generally need to be groomed daily while short-haired breeds can get away with a weekly grooming. Fine-toothed dog combs are used for soft, thin or silky coats whereas medium-toothed combs are used for normal coats. If you dog has very heavy or thick coat, use a wide-toothed comb. Bristle brushes are good for dogs with long coats and grooming mitts are good for short-haired breeds.

When brushing your dog, run your hands through his fur down to the skin to look for plant debris and fleas. If you notice any dark specks on the skin, they are most probably fleas. The specks are flea droppings. A very obvious amount of droppings indicates a flea infestation that should be treated immediately. When brushing the hair on and around the tail, look for rice-like debris. These are usually a sign that your dog has worms.

If this happens, take your dog to your veterinarian to determine the type of worm it is and get the proper medication. Remember to choose a time when your dog is calm and you have enough time to ensure a pleasant grooming session. Get your puppy accustomed to grooming early by handling your puppy often and touching its ears and paws, be gentle and keep reassuring your puppy.

Ears - You do not have to perform grooming tasks everyday. Ears should be checked weekly - inspect your dog's ears by looking inside them and if you spot coffee-ground-like specks, your dog may have ear mites. Ear mites are contagious and can cause severe inflammation in your dog's ears. They are susceptible to many medications, including pyrethrins, rotenone, fibronil, thiabendazole and ivermectins.

It is necessary to treat for at least 3 to 4 weeks in most instances to be sure to kill the adult mites and any eggs that may hatch later. You can quite easily obtain over-the-counter products for treating ear mites. However there are numerous causes of ear infection in dogs and it is best to have your veterinarian thoroughly examine your dog's ears to determine whether the infection is caused by ear mites or other irritations before deciding on the best course of medication.

Nails - Your dog is probably wearing his nails down on the concrete if you walk your dog frequently on pavements or sidewalks. Dogs with overgrown nails tend to develop physical problems as they shift their weight when they walk to avoid discomfort. It is therefore very important to check that the nails have not grown too long. It's good to give your dog a pedicure at least once a month. You should only remove the very end of your dog's nails and no more.

It may be very tempting to trim off all the excess but in dogs, the nerve endings and blood vessels inside the nail continue to grow as the nail grows which means long nails must be clipped little by little, over several weeks or months until the "quick" (the area of flesh under the nail) gradually recedes. If you accidentally clip too far and your dog's nail starts to bleed, apply pressure to the tip of the nail or dip the nail in a bit of styptic powder. Keep your dog inactive for a short time to recover. You can learn the proper way to clip your dog's nails from a standard pet care book, or your veterinarian.

Gums & Teeth - Dental problems are common in dogs. Does your dog suffer from nasty "doggie breath"? This can be a symptom of a much more serious and insidious health problem. It is estimated that 80% of dogs over the age of 3 suffer from periodontal disease, which essentially is a serious deterioration of the gums and supporting bones of the teeth. If left unchecked, bacteria can enter the bloodstream, thus causing infection or damage to vital organs such as the kidneys, lungs, heart and liver. To avoid costly veterinary treatments, keep your dog's teeth in top shape by brushing its teeth everyday. It is fine to use a child's toothbrush, or a finger toothbrush designed for use on a dog's teeth.

Please make sure that you only use toothpaste labelled for use on pets as human toothpaste can be toxic to your dog. In addition to brushing, give your dog rawhide chews to gnaw on to keep the teeth and gums healthy. Some pet oral hygiene solution which is an odourless and tasteless solution can be added to your dog's drinking water to promote healthy gums and eliminate bad breath, thereby fending off bacteria that cause periodontal disease. Correct and regular oral health care can effectively extend the life of your dog by 2 to 5 years.

Cats, by their nature, are independent and require little attention beside cleaning out the litter box, feeding and the stroking they get on their owner's lap. You can be sure that your cat will always come back to your home once he has had his fill of chasing mice and exploring the territory around your home.

But just because they are independent creatures does not mean that you can ignore their health needs. Like your own health, if you want Fuzzy around for a long time, you should be aware of certain health requirements your cat needs beyond insuring they get their distemper and rabies shots.

Stress is not just exclusive to humans. A move, the loss of human companionship or a change in family routine can lead Fuzzy to stop eating or claw up the furniture in frustration.

As a cat ages, free radical damage occurs and the best way to keep the cat healthy is by supplying them with herbs and anti-oxidants like quercitin and rutin to maintain their vitality.

We don't always think in terms of our pet's health assuming that all that's necessary is to feed it. Cat food alone doesn't provide the kind of nutrition that leads to a shiny coat of fur and good digestion. Just like you and me, your can also needs some herbal help as can be found in echinacea and reishi mushrooms. Prevention from sickness is just as important as it is for you.

One of the best ways to keep your cat healthy is by feeding it the kind of food that a cat really needs. A quality canned food meat diet is preferable over dry kibbles. The type of protein found in dry kibbles are often too high in plant-based protein. Cats are carnivores and require meat rather than grain in their diets. It's what they normally eat in the wild. Water is an essential element of the diet and you don't find much in a bag of Purina Cat Chow. Cats need to consume water with their food as the drive for thirst is not very strong in cats. Without water, the cat will experience kidney and bladder problems down the road.

And if you think your veterinarian knows what's best for your cat, think again. Even the prescription diets sold by veterinarians are not formulated for your cat's optimal health. They often contain corn, wheat and other ingredients that put a high carbohydrate load on your cat. Before you consider a vet for your cat, find out if they have a good knowledge of pet nutrition, especially for cats.

While millions of people suffer from the effects of diabetes, your cat can get it too! Because those dry kibbles are plant-based, they can affect the blood sugar levels in your cat. Dry kibbles is the junk food for a cat. The manufacturers coat the kibble with an enticing animal digest spray. This makes it difficult to wean a cat to meat-based canned food like chicken or beef just as it is to get your children to eat what's best for them.

Joint health is an important factor, even in a young animal. You should allow your cat to roam around in the outdoors. That provides them the exercise they need to stay flexible. An indoor cat becomes bored and lazy as well as fat. As a pet owner myself, I've observed my cat getting fat during the coldest months of winter and slims down during the summer when it feels more willing to romp in the grass rather than the cold and wet snow of winter.

While your cat may seem quite frisky and agile, joint health starts at an early age which becomes evident as the animal ages. Any abnormal development shows up in limping and restricted movement the older the cat gets. Hip dysplasia occurs in both cats and dogs, even in animals as young as 5 months old. It only gets worse as the animal ages. Osteoarthritis isn't limited to us humans..

If your pet limps and has limited mobility, consider giving it natural minerals such as glucosamine sulfate, methyl sulfonyl methane (MSM), devil's claw or boswellia serrata. Don't assume that your cat's limp is due to old age. Feed your cat the herbs and minerals it needs to stay agile longer. You can't do much if your cat has hip dysplasia, but it will see more mobility with less pain.

So if you want to have a healthy cat, consider these points. Feed it "muscle" meat, such as chicken or turkey rather than organ meats. Leave out the dry kibbles. By all means give it the shots it needs, but don't reply completely on your vet. Most vets have a poor education when it comes to nutrition.

By following the basic rules, your cats will live long and pain-free lives.


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