Cute and small, the hamster is a great and a rather quiet pet. However it is fun! This furry little friend comes in a variety of types so you have where to choose from!

The hamster is probably one of the cutest pets, although the hamster is also one of the smallest pets you can find. There are several types of hamsters you can get to be your best buddy; the best known species is the Syrian hamster (or golden hamster) you can find the Syrian hamster under several names though because pet stores have taken to calling them by different names depending on their color and if they have short hair or long hair.
Note: the long hair variety usually needs special care because it can grow quite long.

There are several other types of hamster though, not just the Syrian; there are four other types or species to be more exact. There is Campbell’s Dwarf Hamster, some people call this the Russian Dwarf, there is also the Winter White Russian Dwarf Hamster; a very interesting hamster actually because this hamster’s coat turns white during the winter when the days become shorter. A true athlete of the hamster world is the Roborovski Hamster, he is without a doubt the most active out of all hamster species, and the only hamster that has a real tail is the Chinese Hamster.

Everybody knows that in the dog world you have "show" quality dogs and "pet" quality dogs….did you know that this is true in the hamster world as well? That’s right, there are hamster breeders out there that are breeding towards producing hamsters of excellent health and temperament. If you are looking for a hamster to buy but don’t want to give the extra money on a show quality hamster do not despair because there are plenty of people out there that are breeding their pet quality hamster…and if all else fails there is always the petshop.

There are two types of cages that you can get for your hamster one is the normal everyday cage, you know with bars and everything else the other is the terraria (looks like a fish tank). Both types of housing have their pluses and their minuses, the cage provides plenty of climbing (the bars) but the fish tank keeps all the litter inside and provides a more sheltered interior then the ordinary cage does. I guess you can always get both and connect them with one of those hamster tubes, that way your pet has the best of both worlds.

Regardless of the cage type you decide to get for your little friend, make sure that he is kept in a nicely lit room that has a constant temperature….too much heat and your friend can die of heat stroke, or a temperature that constantly varies can make your hamster sick and animals that small usually do not do too well when they are sick.

One way to make sure that the little guy is nice and comfortable in his home is to make sure that he has a nice thick bed of litter, there are a lot of different types that you can get from your local pet store, try to get something that has not been perfumed…never use cat litter as it can seriously injure your animal.

To avoid serious health issues get an exercise wheel for the little guy because hamsters are usually hyper active and they love to run and run and run, this not only keeps them in shape physically but mentally as well. Avoid wheels that have individual rungs because this will provide unsure footing and it is possible that the hamster will hurt himself. Some people just put their hamster in plastic pet balls for a while to provide the necessary exercise, but if you are going to do this, make sure that you are going to keep a close aye on your pet because he can injure himself very easily.

Food that can be bought at any pet shop usually consists of dried seeds and sometimes fruits, but it is always a good idea to supplement their diet by giving them vegetables and fruits.

The hamster may be little but he makes up for it in the happiness he brings to anyone that wants to take care of him; even if they don’t make a sound during the day the hamster sure will make up for it as soon as the lights go out!



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