This breed of rabbits were originally bred in Netherlands. The markings present on their body includes a white wedge down the face, round colored circles around the eyes, white markings on the hind feet and a line extending under the belly. Dutch rabbits make excellent pets, show rabbits and do rather well in the sport of rabbit hopping.
This is a very old breed of rabbits that are very common in the Asian countries in the Himalayan Mountains. It is the most widely distributed rabbit in the world and is also known as by many other names like Chinese, Russian, Egyptian and the Black Nose.
They are delicately built and have a long body resembling a tube and are famous for their general temperament. They make excellent pets especially for the children and an ideal choice for a first time rabbit owner.
This is one of the newest breed of domesticated rabbits and it was originated in Belgium. It is reported to be a cross between a miniature Swiss Fox and a Belgian Dwarf.
It has been so named because it has particularly long hair surrounding the face that resembles the mane of a male lion. The other characteristics include a round head and ears shorter than most breeds of rabbits.
English Spot:
This breed of rabbits is mostly white and they have a butterfly mark on their nose, colored ears and chains of colored spots along its sides including a herringbone stripe down its back.
English Spots are a very active breed of rabbits and require a minimum of two hours of running time everyday. They are generally docile and make good pets and also tolerate other pets like guinea pigs, cats and dogs.